= Getting into Single User Mode in CentOS 5= Unlike [[Server Tech:FreeBSD|FreeBSD]], which lets you boot into single user mode from a startup menu, getting into Single User Mode in CentOS is a little more complicated. Here's how: * Reboot the system:bash# reboot * When the system reboots, it will say 'Press any key to enter the boot menu....'. Press a key, and you'll get to GNU GRUB. * Choose the kernel you want (probably the one that's listed on top), and press ''e'' * Scroll down to the partition that has your kernel on it (it should start with ''kernel'') and press ''e'' again. * It will now display something like:<0/LogVol00Enter '' single'' after that, so you've got:<0/LogVol00 singleThat tells CentOS to boot at run-level 1 in single user mode. You can also type ''emergency'' instead of ''single'', which does the same thing but doesn't start any of your init scripts. * Hit return to get back to the screen that lists your kernel, and then hit ''b'' to boot. More info on single user mode and rescue mode is [[http://www.centos.org/docs/2/rhl-cg-en-7.2/rescuemode.html|available from the CentOS docs]].